Unaids report on the global aids epidemic 2012 pdf

Unaids global report on the aids epidemic 2012 by unaids. Unaids 2019 annual update global aids policy watch abia. It is a metaphor for all of us who are working to restore hope and. Similar to the global report, the goal of the gap report is to provide the best possible data, but, in addition, to give information and analysis on the. Hiv aids, or human immunodeficiency virus, is considered by some authors a global pandemic. Unprecedented gains have been achieved in reducing the number of both adults and children newly infected with hiv, in lowering the numbers of people dying from aids related causes and in. Trends in aids deaths, new infections and art coverage. The report includes the most recent hiv aids data, which shows that a more than 50% reduction in the rate of new hiv infections has been achieved across 25 low and middleincome countriesmore than half in africa, the region most.

Difference in global and regional sums due to rounding. Monitoring the dublin declaration on partnership to fight hivaids in europe and. During 19802016, around 3,700 people have been diagnosed with hiv and circa 450 people have died of aids. List of hivaids cases and deaths registered by region. Joint united nations programme on hiv aids united nations the 2012 edition of the unaids report is based on the latest data from 186 countries who have submitted comprehensive reports on progress in their national aids response with 96% of the 193 united. Hiv, the virus that causes aids, is one of the worlds most serious public health challenges. The new unaids report highlights both the enormous gains already made and what can be achieved in the coming years through a fasttrack approach. However, scientific advances, such as the development of antiretroviral drugs, have enabled people with access to treatment to live long and healthy lives with hiv. But there is a global commitment to stopping new hiv infections and ensuring that everyone with hiv has access to hiv treatment. The amount of aids deaths has stayed at an annual level of 1530, year 2015 was the first year with no aids deaths in finland. Aids is a new type of global emergencyan unprecedented threat to human development requiring sustained action and commitment over the long term. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome prevention and control. Governments have a responsibility to protect these rights and.

However, the who currently uses the term global epidemic to describe hiv. Unaids report on the global aids epidemic 2012 world. The annual aids epidemic update reports on the latest developments in the global aids epidemic. Four key populations 2006 report on the global aids epidemic 05 106 although many countriesmaycriminalize sex work and thereby subject the act of buying or selling sex for money to criminal sanction, sex workers have the same human rights as everyone else. This was the question we set out to answer in the unaids gap report. Report on the global aids epidemic, 2012 other data from unaids 2014. It is inconceivable that we as parliamentarians would even contemplate criminalizing our brothers and sisters because they live with hiv. The question remains how quickly the response can chart a new course towards unaids vision of zero discrimination. Creating a facilitating environment to reduce hivrelated. Countries are making historic gains towards ending the aids epidemic. Global report 2012 geneva, 20 november 2012 a new world aids day report. The history of the hiv and aids epidemic began in illness, fear and death as the world faced a new and unknown virus.

Choose regions, nations or subnation to compare data. Joint united nations programme on hivaids wikipedia. The 2008 report on the global aids epidemic confirms that the world is, at last, making some real progress in its response to aids. Status of the global hiv epidemic 2008 report on the global aids epidemic chapter 2 key findings the global percentage of adults living with hiv has leveled off since 2000. In just the last two years the number of people living with hiv on antiretroviral therapy has increased by about a third, reaching 17. Introduction 2010 global report 7 1 on the cusp of the fourth decade of the aids epidemic, the world has turned the cornerit has halted and begun to reverse the spread of hiv millennium development goal 6. Fewer people are being infected with hiv and more people have access to treatment. The amount of new infections has been slowly increasing during the past decade.

On the cusp of the fourth decade of the aids epidemic, the world has turned. Governments are acting on their promises at the 2006 united nations high level meeting on hiv aids, to scale up towards universal access to hiv prevention, treatment, care, and support by 2010. The joint united nations programme on hiv aids unaids has published results, a world aids day 2012 report. Results, by the joint united nations programme on hiv aids unaids, shows that unprecedented acceleration in the aids. The global community has embarked on an historic quest to lay the foundation for the eventual end of the aids epidemic. The 2006 report on the global aids epidemic contains the most comprehensive set of data on the country response to the aids epidemic ever compiled. In embracing the targets in the 2011 political declaration, countries committed to. With maps and regional estimates, the 2006 edition provides the most recent estimates on the epidemic s scope and human toll and explores new trends in the epidemic s evolution. This 20 report contains the latest data on numbers of new hiv infections, numbers of people receiving antiretroviral. Unaids reports a more than 50% drop in new hiv infections across 25 countries as countries approach the.

The global report 2012 contains the latest data on numbers of people living with hiv, new hiv infections, aids related deaths and numbers of people with access to antiretroviral treatment. Unaids report on the global aids epidemic 2012 world reliefweb. Unaids report on the global aids epidemic 2012 unaids jc2417e 1. Epidemic update and health sector progress towards universal access who, unicef, unaids 30 november 2011 the progress report 2011. Hiv epidemic and response estimates, global and by region, 2010 and 2015 people living with hiv all ages new hiv infections all ages 2010 2015 2010 2015 global. In may 20, completed and validated 2012 data for global plan countries. The mission of unaids is to lead, strengthen and support an expanded response to hiv and aids that includes preventing transmission of hiv, providing care and support to those already living with the virus, reducing the vulnerability of individuals and communities to hiv and alleviating the impact of the epidemic. List of hiv aids cases and deaths registered by region.

As this report shows, the epidemic shows no sign of weakening its. The 2012 global aids report for south africa was compiled by a team of consultants from. It was not until the third decade of the epidemic that the worlds public health officials, community leaders, and politicians united to combat aids. The preparation of this report would not have been possible without the support and valuable contributions of our colleagues in national aids.

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